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Monday 9 May 2011

I Love My Life

Like your average person, I have my ups and downs (Okay, the ups are way higher than everyone else's but still...). Despite this, I find life totally enjoyable at this point in time.
I'm not going to lie, this may have something to do with the fact that I have just eaten a bit of cake, and have the promise of icing in the future. Who doesn't get cheered up by that news?

Today was normal for me. Somehow slightly more and slightly less eventful than normal. I don't really know where to start. I think I'll start from the beginning (I know, boring. What can I say?)

Physics. First period on a monday. I would like to notify readers that I was perfectly on time this morning, even if my hair was a little sticky-uppy. I fixed it, so we'll pretend it didn't happen. Okay, fine, I'm lying. My hair is always a little sticky-uppy. In any case, I was on time and therefore tired. I kept myself up last night thinking about how many houses could fit on a road and making up songs about falling over.

Back to Physics. Cool lesson. We got to measure everyone's arms. Turns out I have an average size arm. I like this. Ka Oi has teeny weeny arms. Mwahahahaha. Amy was in our group. She is way cool. A teensy bit sarcastic, but she has the quality I look for in every person I know and have the potential to be friends with. She gets my jokes. So yeah, we spent the lesson seeing who was most powerful. I am ashamed to say I didn't win. If only I tried harder. Will's story of his power failure massively scared me.

So, Mr Cinderey says "blah blah blah blah blah- Imogen?" and I randomly speak until something that could be the right answer comes out of my mouth (phrasing everything with a lilt in my voice which makes statements into questions. e.g. "centimetres?"). That was fine. However, my success must have made Mr Cinderey become over-confident in my answering skills. 5 minutes later he is talking about power and BAM! He says "And his arm is eighty-five centimetres long (Ikr, long arm)... The alarm bells are ringing again..." (This is his reference to not measuring distance in centimetres, but in metres) "Imogen?" And I look at him. And then I say "Aaaaah!" and blank him.

So that was Physics. Next was English. Mrs Griffith wasn't there and I didn't do much other than read poems out in a Bristolian accent and the hyperventilate from amusement, so we'll just skip that right out.

P.E! As always, the highlight of the day! How I long for the days when I have P.E. I am not even joking. First though:

I am a teensy bit annoyed.

I mean, first my cake was taken (Okay it was a cake idea, but not only was my theme stolen but I was also made to feel like I had a lack of ability to make cake) and THEN there's what happened in p.e. I'm not really mad at you though. Just a little exasperated.

We were doing the relay in p.e. (Something I actually quite enjoy). I was in a team with Charlotte Hart, Becky Dodd-Cox and Emily Pearce. Now, this is not a team I expect the best from. I cam into this team realising two members were slackers and one was a refuser. This is fine with me. Some people just don't appreciate p.e. These often coincide with those who dislike exercise.

Charlotte outright refused to run. She agreed to walk though. I expected her to just sit on the floor and throw daisies at people. In all honesty, I was mildly proud of her non-effort that involved walking a quarter of the hundred metres she had to go. Let me just remind you that each of us had signed up for a hundred metre sprint.

She got a quarter of the way there. By now the teacher is bored. She yells for me to go anyway. So I do. I start 'sprinting'. I'll be honest, more like fast run. I am currently panicking, as not only has everyone else left, but my relay partner is not where she is supposed to be.

I continue flailing. I mean, running. My speed, in my opinion is quite good. My form, however...

I reach the place where Emily should be. All of the other seconds are now standing around there looking a little tired and mostly relieved they don't have to do anything else. I shout out "I am so confused! I'm panicking, seriously panicking!" and just continue running. I am too dedicated. I need to be more hateful. I also made one of the weirder faces I own in my collection.

In the end, I ran about two hundred metres and then jog/hopped another hundred to where the teacher was. Reason for this? Emily randomly decided to stand ten feet from Becky and call this her area of running. I don't entirely blame her, I also blame Becky, who clearly found this too amusing to point out she was supposed to be on the opposite side of the track.

So that was p.e. Contrary to popular belief, I was actually mildly okay with this. I kind of like running. Don't quote me on that. I prefer cake.

Maths. I can sum that up in two sentences- I saw Jack asleep on his desk. Then I drew individual pictures on my hand.- I'm wrong, I need another one. (The drawing on my hand took deliberated thinking and intense concentration; when I looked up I had only managed to waste ten minutes of my life) That's maths for you. I feel no further explanation is needed, but I will add that I am taught by mr Bo-, I mean Pollock.

Chemistry. I'm vaguely certain that it interested me, but I blanked out whatever happened. Must've been a fun, yet mentally scarring, lesson. XD

I have now got a cake for mr Chapman's 60th birthday tomorrow. It's coffee flavour in the shape of a coffee mug, took two hours to make, and is quite good if I say so myself (which I do).

Getting bored now. I have a yearbook for my year eleven mateys. Right now Amy has it (Write faster, fool!). I will be purchasing an HD video camera with photo options of 8mp for photos and videos to go with it...Yes Ella, we shall have the filming equipment, it is time to paint Will green!

I'm gonna go now. Have a nice night. You should hope you're my friend- if you are then there's some disaster cake from attempt number 1 you may be able to get hold of. Bear in mind that the reason for disaster is that it had to be mug shaped, not that there is something wrong with the cake, and that this one doesn't really taste of coffee... At all...

Nighty night ;)

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