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Sunday 10 April 2011

Germany, England and the weird bit in between.

Firstly, the weird bit in between is not Wales.
I don't really know where to start here. I could give you a whole description of my time in Germany, but I don't think it would be particularly funny and anyway I can't be bothered. I'll tell you a little though.

I bought a shopping trolley the day before we left. It is now residing on my windowsill with a tiny teddy bear sitting in the childs seat. I should take a photo, but my C.B.A. (I have now been diagnosed) prevents me from doing so. I hope you all know what C.B.A. is, I mean, it's far more common than OCD. In most cases C.B.A. first shows symptoms during the teenage years. I'm actually a late bloomer.
(For those of you who are actually confused by this a) You are some of the few people who need to think more, for most this is bad, but you guys need practice. and b) It's "can't be asked" syndrome, fools.)

I have a can of nuts. Still haven't finished it. It's funny 'cause, should mr.T randomly turn up at my house and say "Get some nuts!" I can just be like "yeah, I have some. In a can.".
Ate all the Milka though. My trolley is so cool.
I have about 8 ducks and a massive bag of gummy planes for monday. I sincerely doubt either will last until lunch time.

So, Germany. I'm gonna try and fit this into one paragraph. Friday: I can't remember. Pretty much at all. I remember Noah. There's a photo of Noah... Saturday: Awkwardness + the zoo. Nuremberg zoo is fantasmical. HUGE. Got a teensy bit sunburnt. Saw a dolphin show. One of them was 51 years old an I was like "Woah that's old." and my exchange was like "What? I do not understand you :S". Sunday: Swimming with Pippa. Hilarious. Pippa is stupid. Soz Pippa, you're actually like well clever, innit. Kind of insulting to my self-confidence though, because she started laughing as soon as she saw my face. Especially since I didn't know Pippa before. I thought she was German. I thought some random German was laughing my face. Insulting much? Turns out German swimming is really violent. I still have two bruises on my elbow and one massive one on my knee from swimming. It was a really interesting shade of purple. Monday: Was in school. Was in the middle of R.E. when my exchange's friend and this guy are talking about something, and she says to him "Was ist '....' auf Englisch?" and he just turns to me and says "Penis.". Then he leaves. I was just like -.-. And then I spent R.E. singing "Ich bin nicht ein Fisch, ich bin eine Kartoffeln." I now know this is wrong, but I can't change the past. I have this joke with my exchange where I say "Laura liebt kinder" (Laura loves children.) a lot. So when, at break time on monday, this little kid ran up to me and hugged me, I was a little freaked out. Really freaked out. No-one knew the kid. They didn't know me. Just "Hey I'll hug that randomer!". Freaky. Then someone threw ten cents at me. Mmmm ten cents. Tuesday: Documentation centre. Lots of Nazism. Generally a little depressing and weird. Mrs Greenwood listened to our conversation about a woman with one giant boob and one tiny boob. That was awkward.
Wednesday: Emily's birthday. All the exchanges where there. Pretty amazing. Most fun day by far. Even if the German lady did keep telling Johanna and I to stop talking. She was so angry. Thursday: Shopping + weird lady who "before we left I had a very big WAG-on." Say it. What does that sound like? Yeah. I know. Shopping was good. Went to see giant kebab. We were too late. We saw the line where the giant kebab was and some chocolate. It was all Emily's fault. Friday: Went home. Had a monster. Went friggin' loony.

Germany in a paragraph. I'll admit, if that was proper English it'd probably be in seperate paragraphs. I don't particularly care.

Can't really remember much of friday/saturday. Today we went out for lunch. When we came back my parents saw a friend of their's and walked off for a chat. With the house keys.

So, I'm stuck out of the house. I go round back to find my cat. The windows open. I've gone through it before...
Yeah, I broke into my house through the window. Only problem is, I was then locked IN the house. See, my parents locked the main lock. Kinda annoying. Anyway. Annoyed my parents, so...

Don't ask about what happened on the coach after Emily, Will and Jack got off (Hahahaha Emily, Will and Jack got off. Together. In Ledbury.) See what they've done to me? Emily, Jack and Will, you have warped my mind.

I was forced to interact with Mike and George... George gave me this weird perverted ladybird... I was still being affected by the monster that I drank earlier... All I remember is being really bored and talking about how it was unfair to have different number of signs on each corner, because then the corner was only shiny on one side and somehow that was related to...purple??

Yeah, so. I might post tomorrow. If I do it'll be more interesting because it'll be instant ramble.
Oh, and now I have to find Emily's present...somewhere. I have no idea where it is. I'm stupid.

Did I mention that on the first night I repeatedly told my German exchange and her family that I was stupid? At least 5 times. In fact, I told her do 5 stupid things everyday. Which is true.

Yell at yellow pages!!!!!!!

My exchange lives at number 5 jupiterwinkel. Now you may stalk her.

Over and out ;)

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