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Saturday 26 March 2011


That's the Welsh name for Cardiff. It's been a long time since we last spoke, I'm sorry for that. Not all my fault, but I'll take some blame. I'll start with Wednesday, since that's as far back as I can remember.

So, Wednesday is History and Science day. I can't remember what we did in Biology. In Chemistry we burned some magnesium. That was scary. It was mega-hot (Like me ;) JK lol), and it also smelled weird (Also like me...Not. If you tell me I smell weird I'll hit you.). Plus we had to put our hands vaguely near the VERY VERY VERY hot bunsen burner, that was on roaring flame.

Actually though, our chemistry experiment was a success. Katie and I persevered. Well I did. Mostly Katie giggled and watched. Not that I object. To be honest, that's what I did too. I wonder how our experiment got done? I guess it must've been low maintenence... Mr Smith knows us so well...

Moving on to History. I remember this part clearly. Will was having an 'off' day. Or rather, he was beheaving as if he was on drugs. More than usual. Which made History more interesting. I can't even remember exactly what he was doing, only that he was being odd. He was telling some story where Jack's brother went missing, so Jack followed him onto an oil rig with a load of extremists. Then the oil rig turned out to be a T-rex. Then ten years later Jack woke up in bed with a monkey. Or something. That was History.

Then I had Graphics, in which I did very little. Afterwards I stayed afterchool with Ella. We filled in a 120 question Harry Potter quiz, to find out which house we were in. Ella was a Gryffindor. I was an epic fail Hufflepuff :/ But I was far less Slytherin than Ella was XD Then Lois Walby started talking to us about Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I think she was trying to mock us. It didn't work. We're too cool to be mocked. Oh, and then I wore Ella's fairy wings for the walk to the Cock of Tupsley. I think I worked them.

On Wednesday I found out about the concert I was singing in on Thursday, so we'll move straight through to Thursday now. German was boring. I sat by Jack and learned Wavagok. Emily was ill. Will was still being odd. He got mad at me because the dictionary at school disagreed with the dictionary at my house about the meaning of a certain word. I won't say which. He then started shouting out rude German words, as if the German teacher wouldn't understand. Bad Will. I gave Ella and Emily an Oreo (copyright) to share. Or was that friday? I think that was friday.

So yeah, thursday was dull generally... until the concert! I was a teensy bit late, but we sang in the second half, so that had no effect. Beth gave me interesting hair, Anna gave me sweets, Emily was randomly amused. Somehow conversation with Beth ended up turning to umbilical cord sausage. That was disconcerting. I was AMAZING at pictionary. That is, I was until Mr Sutton walked in. He ruins everything. Like his own life. I'm sorry Mr Sutton, I didn't mean that... Don't hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David played(By plucking the strings) the cord from 'Smoke On The Water' on a violin and Anna said something funny. To quote her, she said "Wow, you can play the violin!" then we were all like "Anna, that's not how you play the violin.". Then Anna said the funniest thing of the night. She said "I know.", then "He knows where to put his fingers.". We died. Literally. Naha collapsed and we debated on whether or not we should do CPR. We decided against it, and Amy sat on her. Worked like a charm.

I got incredibly hyper, and the floor in the Old Dining Hall was sticky, like it always is at concerts. Then I spoke to Noah's sister Echo. She's in choir too. She told me how her mum had 36 children. Then I got all Michael Mcintyrey and impersonated her mother saying "Sometimes I take work home, and I find myself writing pi on all thirty-six of my children's faces with chalk." She meant her mum teaches thirty-six children. I was still amused. So was she when she realised what she said.

That was Thursday. Friday was less interesting again. I had to go to Flicks instead of Rock Night. :/ I watched a good movie though.

Today. Cardiff. I went shopping for Germany. I have bought a pair of jeans, a Superman/woman Tee and an oversized Little Big Planet Tee. I got an oversized one so that I can wear it as a sleep-tee after. I also bought some sun-glasses. Becuase I wanted too. Then I wore them home. My dad said I looked stupid. I said his face did.

FUN RAMBLING STARTS HERE. Jk lol, this bits well boring innit?

Aren't desk-lamps useful? They double up as both lamp and heater, something very useful in a house as cold as mine. I mean, if you're weird and you have newish updated desk-lamps then you'll be freezing cold. That's what you get for modernising.

I don't have any decent highlighters. This is not something I used to care about. Unfortunately for me, I saw Emma's maths book on Friday (While she was singing to herself about being a neat fairy.). She is a neat fairy. She also underlined one title in my maths book. This makes the small OCD voice in my head want to highlight all other titles.

My sister unmade the multi-coloured necklace of paper clips that I made. She's so weird. Why would she do that? I don't know. I really don't know. No-one wants to bid on my tiger tail. It is now for sale. Opening bid of 20p. Money goes to comic relief.

It seriously is cold. I should change the words of that other song I wrote to 'It's a little bit chilly when you come inside.'

Today I have eaten a bowl of chilli, a mini-roll and a cookie. I like to share this fact with the world. If you've eaten less then I can rub it in your face. (Haha starving child. No offence starving children. I'm sorry starving't eat me...) If you've eaten more then... Well I'm not sure what the point in telling you is then. If you ate more than that today pretend that I said that I ate an elephant and some green beans. It's highly unlikely you ate more than that. If you did then O.o.

I have more Latin homework... But who cares? 'Cause I'm going to Germany!!!!!!! Yeah, just thought I'd share that... Because while I'm gone you people are gonna feel DEPRIVED. You don't know what you have till it's gone. Of course, the danger is that while I'm gone you realise I actually really annoy you. Darn me for taking that chance.

Phones scare me. Not mine. Other people's. It's like they always sneak up on you, then ring as loudly as possible. The other day Jess asked me if I was homophobic. The phone in my study is really loud and right next my ear. Every time it rings I flee into the living room, which is over twenty feet away. I said no. I don't think I am.

My favourite ever film is 'The Lion King'. It is THE BEST. The first eight times I watched this I cried. The first eight times I watched it I was eight. Naha, I know you're mad about me not lending it to you. The weekend after the weekend I get back from Germany is a good time for you to come rounf my house and watch it. Do you want to? I bought the Rocky Horror Show today. I've never seen it. I hope that it's good, otherwise it was a huge waste of £3.

Tbf though, in Lion King 2 Simba is a massive prick.

When I was a kid I used to make the Lion King out of Lego. Then I lost the male lion. That made me sad.

For some reason there is a pillow on the piano bench in here. I have no idea why. I could ask, but there probably isn't a reason. My mum probably thought it needed a change of scenery from the spare room.

On Wednesday we had this ready-meal style tea, because we needed to eat quickly before my sisters German. It was noodles, but it had mushrooms in. I hate mushrooms.

So, my mum told me to pick the mushrooms out while she delivered some shizz. The mushrooms were large, so this was possible. I then removed each mushroom carefully with a fork. I also checked the meal for hidden mushrooms that planned on sneaking up on me and poisoning my life with mushroomyness.

When I finished, my mum wasn't back. There I was, standing next to the two pots of ready-meal, holding a fork and looking at this pile of mushrooms I had accumulated.

I don't know what happened. I just randomly started hitting the mushrooms with my fork. They started to fall apart, little bits of mushroom flying everywhere. I remember comparing myself in my head to the Hitler of mushrooms. There I was, discriminating against mushrooms for no reason. I didn't kill all of the mushrooms. Before I was half way through I realised that my mum would probably want to eat them herself. I salvaged what I could.

A synonym for big would be: large; great; huge; massive; vast; significant; prominent; skookum. I like the last one. Apparently it's a Canada/USA word. They have odd words.

Well, I'm signing off now. Over and Out XD


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