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Saturday 12 March 2011

My Life in Total

I lied. This isn't my life in total. It's barely a smidgen of my thoughts. If you are vastly offended by my obscene lies, feel free to leave. I have. In fact, I'm not really sure how I'm managing to type this right now :/

I'm still annoyed by Times New Roman as a font (And if I got the name wrong, do you think that's an issue for me?). Less annoyed. There's rugby on today. It must be Wales v.s. someone, or I wouldn't know, but I'm not sure who we're playing. Don't diss the Welsh. It comes back to haunt you.

Still hooked on Jessie J. The acoustic style is better though, in my opinion. I am currently using orange smelling shampoo. This I like. Unfortunately, I don't sense much of the orange smell after I've dried- which makes me sad inside.

This morning at twenty to eight my cat poked me. I mean this seriously. He shoved my shoulder in the way a person would to wake me up. It didn't work, but it woke me up enough to freak me out, and move the covers slightly. This must of been his aim, as he promptly sat on me and went to sleep. Oddest thirty seconds of my life. The varying levels of intelligence that my cat displays creeps me out a lot.

If this blog is deleted in any way whatsoever, I will know that an evil race of cats has taken over the internet (:/ :/ :/ :/ :/). So far today, I have eaten a chocolate muffin and a packet of crisps XD They were chicken flavour (The crisps not the muffin- that would be weird.).

There are little kids by my house that play football outside ALL THE TIME. Frustration much?? I mean seriously, for the first, I don't know... eight years, I was fine with it. But waking me up every sunday at ten because your brother who is three years younger than you is pwning yo' ass?? This I do not agree with. Not to mention the fact that this kid is an absolute brat. Moved here two years ago (he did), and ever since I've been hoping he'll stop pointing at every person he sees and screaming and just generally being obnoxious. Most kids are great- it's amazingly fun just to have a conversation with them. Just not this one. Anyway, I'll change subject before I get more rude.

Why are magpies seen as unlucky? Of this I know not. I still can't believe it's 2011. I mean, three months in and I'm confused? Yeah, I know. My sense of timing is not so good. At least I'm writing it down as the date, even if I don't believe it's true.

I got a D in my R.E. Those who know me, feel free to openly laugh. Do it now. Go on, get it out of your system. What annoys me, is that people who I know have the intellect of a pea have somehow managed to get a score higher than mine. This definetely does not apply to everyone who got more than me. In fact, if I'm being honest, it's rather specifically aimed at one person. I will not, however, name names, so just assume this person is both academically challenged and ridiculously annoying/ rub it in your facey (I realise facey isn't a word. Don't blame me.). To be fair, mr. Bowen has given me As and A*s in every mock we've done, and I got full marks in the last two, which makes me a little confused about my mark.

Everyone in the school did badly though, so I'm hoping for a remark that'll get me at least a B. If it doesn't happen, I'm just going to retake and pretend this never happened. End of.

The road near my house has been resurfaced. Sort of. There is a patch of it that has been resurfaced. This means we're further down the queue for complete resurfacing, but I was getting worried abuot our car tires being damaged. It was almost like being on the dodgems when we drove home.

Oh yeah, and for red nose day, I am dressing as a tiger. I have to go buy/ make a tail soonish. It should be really fun. especially in chemistry. The more people sponsor me, the more I can pretend that's why I'm doing it. I mean, that is why I'm doing it. Not because I randomly feel like going to school as a tiger. No way. Definetely not. It is 100% for those red nose day people. If I raise a tenner I'll be happy. Especially cos the tail will probably cost a fiver, and the suit cost ten. Then again, the suit is a snuggie, so I'm gonna wear it the rest of the time anyway. It's gonna be so awkward if someone else comes to school in the same outfit as me. Really, really awkward. I bought some shoes yesterday that I'm gonna make orange and black so that I don't have to be a tiger that's randomly wearing wellies. Not that I don't like wellies. They just aren't very tiger-y.

Soz to the dissapointed people who thought this would be funny. Soz to the other people who are just generally annoying (cos I feel sorry for you). And um... yeah. Next time I promise to be more random and therefore more interesting. In fact, I think I might post that bit about randomers asking me which colour I think the sky should be... yeah. I think I will. If you can give me ideas on what to post about I promise to take them up (Unless they are very, very bad. Or come from Jack.)
I'm going to go now, because I need to pee (sorry for sharing). Have a nice weekend and all that jazz. Will try to update soon. Also hoping to write a little bit of a crack!fic and post that on here XD

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