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Sunday 13 March 2011

Big White Room

Today's blog is called Big White Room because it is inspired by the song 'Big White Room' by Jessie J. Mainly because at the end she bangs her elbow. It made me lol.

I haven't done much today, pretty much just be boring. Naha told me I should blog about Robin Hood on magic mushrooms, so I am going to. Unfortunately, the last time I ranted about this was a while ago, so bear with me if my ramble is a little rusty.

So, at one point, in one of the bbc Robin Hood series episodes. Robin Hood does something, and then something else happens and then he looks high. From what I can remember he is sitting next to a tree and then he sees maid Marian (Who may or may not be dead, depending on whether or not I am remembering correctly) and is like oooooh. Only, she's not real. And he doesn't move. But they dance? Idk the whole point is that he's just sitting there (next to mushrooms I might add) and suddenly crazy things start happening... after the camera stops looking at him briefly. My theory is that he goes 'Yum! Mushroom eaty for me!' then gets high, then dances around on his own, then falls over, then snogs the air, then goes ow. You see? Script writing is not that complicated afterall!

I mean, were I to write say a television program, it would be called the three Undertakers. It would be about three undertakers. Arnold, Bob and Frisky (Frisky is a girl). I will quickly write up the first scene for you:

Frisky: "People keep sending dead people here. It's creeping me out. I think we should move."

Bob: "But Arnold and I made a new friend today! He's called Bob the second."

Arnold (Shouting from another room): "Why can't we call him Farnold? I like that name better."

Frisky:"...Is this 'friend' that mouse I saw yesterday?"

Bob: "Nope XD"
Random man walks in: "Can I go home now please?"


To be continued.

Yeah, so I know, not the funniest, but it's better than daybreak. My mum randomly had a go at the woman on Daybreak the other day for wearing a bra. And then she went to sleep. It was another odd thirty seconds of my life.

I changed the picture for the title of my blog. I like it. You probably don't, but what do I care? There are 10 of you who got confused and pressed the button twice + me who has checked my blog so many times it thinks 30 other people have looked at it. (:/ I know right.)

Our Norton Internet Security is asking to be activated and no-one in the house can be bothered to find the code needed to activate it, so we just have no internet security atm. The worst part is that the box is only two feet away. And will we ever pick it up? Unlikely.

I sent a message to my German exchange today. She's nice but she likes speaking German, so every time I say something to her I have to run it by google translate. Which is as we all know hugely incorrect grammatically. Whatever it is I am sending to my German exchange, it probably starts off as 'I'm good, how are you?' and finishes as 'I am working well, how are you good?'
If she understands anything then I commend her. Did you know that the German word for boyfriend is just Fruenden. The same as friend. How on earth do they know what's going on in their social circles? I mean that totally changes the meaning of 'Hi mum, this is Lisa, my new friend, we're going into the livingroom with my other friends. Don't interrupt unless it's important or food.' Especially if, like me, you are a girl.

I lost my train of rant. I would like to congratulate Emily. Well done Emily. I am congratulating you for wanting to be part of the group that reads my blog. Or pretends to. That makes us 16 (wooo!). And anyone who promised to sponsor me as a tiger, thankyou!! I really think it's going to be a good red nose day this year, even if I will get really hot in my tiger suit.
Yes Naha, I realise that your comment here would be 'But you're so hot anyway!' and I do not disagree XD.

Just remembered that we have that Biology IAA tomorrow :/ Tbh, I couldn't care less if I fail epicly. At least I have whatever it was I got last time to fall back on. And Amy's sister got A*s despite her Cs in the IAAs so...... Suck on that Biology!!!!!!!!!!

I could now decide to make random jokes, but I ceebs, so instead I am going to just ramble until I hit a subject, and see where it goes from there. In my head I seem to be stuck on raisins, which is frustrating, seeing as I've already covered them. you know what else is frustrating? We didn't mention raisins in our English. Again, I blame Kathleen for this. Okay, fine, that was my fault. But still!

Can't wait till the hedge outside our house grows back. It's really awkward when you don't want to answer the door, but they can see you're watching TV. Not that that actually has anything to do with the hedge. People who are going for walks! They are affected by our hedge. They stare at you in the livingroom if there is no hedge. If there is a hedge then they pretend you're not there. Free staring! (For me, not them. Not that I stare at most of them. People who walk are often old or boring.).

I changed my sheets when I woke up this morning (I do every sunday) and my cat promptly sat on the nice new clean ones. He is so bitchy! He woke me up at half-five this morning as well, because he couldn't be bothered to go through the gap slightly smaller than his head, and needed me to make it wider for his bum to fit through. I was really confused, I thought I'd shut him in- I go to open my door, which, when shut properly, is really stiff, and guess what? I pull too hard, and go splat. I'm still half-asleep so I just drunkenly made my way back to bed and fell asleep again. If I had fallen on the edge of my bed, that would've hurt. Not that Oddie cares. He buggered off before I got up (from the floor).

Looking forward to writing a story/poem about a brave young flower hidden amongst a lot of nettles who badly wounded when the nettles are killed and then...Thought I'd tell you the whole story didn't you? You'll have to wait until English. Or next time I post. Yes. So probably, tomorrow or the day after.

For some reason I feel like this blog is supposed to be funny. Some people think it is. I don't understand their logic. Even now I have a teeny weeny crease between my eyes that is caused by my bafflement.( Is bafflement a word?)

Tell the world I'm coming home. 'Cos I'm there already 'innit.

Next week on friday, I am planning on going into town after school, as I would rather not go straight home. I mean, why waste the tiger outfit solely on school when I can entertain an entire town?

So, if anyone is up for a friday evening around town then give me a shout! (Please be someone I know...please be someone I know...)

I can't be bothered to write much more as I don't want to risk losing my muchness. I need it. Has anyone ever sat on a sofa whilst moving? I want to.

Ideas for next blog NEEDED. I am stoopid- help me! Btw, I have cold feet right now. Literally. Someone needs to get some heating in this house. Or stop turning it off. Yes, I am talking to you dad.

Before I leave, I will give you this. Are holepunches cool? There is a translucent green one infront of me now, and I am unable to decide. I mean, they are entirely boring normally, but when used in the right way, they can cause hours of fun.

Anyway, are they cool? Yours, Immie XD

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