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Monday 21 March 2011


So, I have twenty minutes. I did manage to stop, drop and roll in P.E. Only once, but I still did it. XD

As sad as I am, I spent today writing a small Twilight crack!fic. I won't post it on here, in case you object to the parodying of Twilight, simply because it is similar to actual twilight. If you want to check it out this is it;

Thankyou muchly, Emma's nan for the delicous biscuits you so kindly delivered to me via Emma. I appreciated them and they made for an unhealthy, yet tasty lunch. :)I am surprised you deemed me worthy and pleased that you gave me the biscuits and that you are now reading this.

So that's me. I am boring. Okay, so I lied. And? You do it all the time. I know you do. Will was behaving oddly in History today. So was I if I'm honest. Mr Bowen mentioned someone who's name was Jelly something or other, and I said "oooh, Jelly!" Really loudly. A few people laughed. A lot stared. Mr Bowen stared. Personally, I think he was secretly amused.

So, my hair fell out. Not literally. I am not bald. Don't worry. Ella put up into a something. Then it fell out- again, not out of my head. I just remembered something that amused me today!

I was eating my tea and watching some telly, and I put CBBC on. Mainly 'cause it's awesome. The program playing was M.I.High. I don't know if any of you have seen it, but it is the bomb. Seriously. It's so ridiculous it's vastly amusing. I'll give you the low down on the storyline:

Bear in mind that I started in the middle.

Boy finds chocolate wrapper. On the floor. The litterer must be the evil baddy! Girls argue. Surely the evil baddy is the one who is better at sit ups than sporty girl? It's not physically possible for people to be better than her. Not true says other, similar but slightly different, girl. Must be the one who is better than ME. I am best.

Sporty girl fails at sit-ups again. At this point I stopped watching for a while, so we'll have an elipsis.
^See, that was two :) Anyway, something to do with chilly, and sit up girl is the evil baddy! Must chase. Meanwhile, boy is shutting the litterer in the toilet. Because that is where litterers belong. Girl fights evil baddy. Some sort of mustard spray knocks out evil baddy- yaaaay!!!!

Boy goes 'Oops.' and frees litterer. Litterer says 'Awesome' and boy imediately recognises him as evil. For some reason he walks very slowly. Eventually he arrives and pretends to be cool. More mustard is sprayed on the baddy. We win. The end. And apparently tomorrow is wear what you like day.

See, that it the kind of storyline I like. Especially the mustard parts. Gurpreet knocked over the table tennis tabley thing today, it made me Epic lol. Seriously. Funniest. Thing. Ever.

I have to go now-ish.

I'm sure Ella will post some painful photos on facebook XD

I think I'll have a last minute ramble. This will be a brain-train so be warned, I am allowing my thoughts to follow whichever pattern they wish.

Starting word:... Flowers. There are flowers in Harry Potter. I think of them as Petunias. Clearly they're not. Oh well. In harry potter 4 he had really bad hair, don't you think? Verging on man-bob. My cousin had a man-bob for a bit. It was both cringe worthy and hilarious. Last time I went there, they were arguing over curtains, and today Ella was showing me some curtain. Why does everyone look at curtains? Laura was there. She owes me money. Money is useful. I wonder if I'll win the lottery one day. I'll have to enter first. I once won a game of Bingo. That was fun. They were playing bingo on the Benidorm advert, and there was a person who looked like a man or a woman, but I couldn't tell which. Do women with moustaches always look like men? There's a photo of Hev where her teeth blur into a tooth moustache which is quite cool. Like being an opposite vampire. "Run! Or I'll get you with my tooth moustache!".

Well, got to go. More from me tomorrow, or sometime. You know, whenever.

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