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Sunday 20 March 2011


Olay, well I'll start with my dream this morning. I can't really remember everything that happened, but I was a sailor/magician in a world that had gone post-apocalyptic (I know. Spelling). So I was talking to some renegade magicians who I apparently just broke out of magician renegade prison. Then I went to my grandparents house with my sister. Only, there was another version of my sister in another room, and she told me that my grandparents were evil or something...then disappeared. So, I hid in this room, and my grandparents were about to come in, so I checked the drawers for weapons or something. I found two metallic gold ps3 controllers and a book. Surprisingly, the book was the important part. So it was magic, and I read it. I ended up back with my renegade magician friends. They start telling me how we're going to stop voldemort coming back and then we arrive at this castle. I then have flashbacks of how this is where I got married (????). So we're standing in front of this castle/church in the middle of a graveyard, when bellatrix lestrange appears. And she's like 'We're going to bring the dark lord back!' and I'm like 'Wtf??? This is post-apocalyptic magician world, not hogwarts!!!'. Then I run away. But for some reason or other, Bella needs me or the book or something to bring voldy the mouldy back, so she is like 'Stoppy spelly thing!'. I get hit by the spell. And appear on a boat in the middle of the sea. Then I think about how it was actually a different castle where I got married. Oh, and a siamese kitten appears. Right before I woke up, I remember that the siamese kitten was nuzzling my chin with it's head.

I woke up with my chin on my chest. Make what you will of this. Personally, I decided that I was nuzzling myself. Tbf, the siamese kitten was cute.

Anyway, I now own Jessie J's Album. I love 'Rainbow'. I like singing along really badly. It makes me feel special. Plus it annoys the rest of my household (Added bonus!).

Dressed as a tiger. Was THE most fun ever. I think I might have capitalised the wrong word there. I don't particularly care, and I think it would be mean to take it away from 'the' now anyway. Some random dude (who thought he was gangsta) went 'Dat is cool. Dat is well cool in me' when I bought some chips by the bus station. A lot of small children found me very amusing. Lots of people just stared. I smiled at those who dared to make eye contact. There was one very funny person who thought I was blind cause I was wearing sungalsses or something, and when they realised I could see them, they got really freaked out. I was amused.

I made Edward Cullen on the Sims 3. I love messing with the storyline! So far he started off as a poor soul living with a randomer. Then he fell in love with/ went out with his roomie. Then he became an incredibly high paid headteacher. Then he went to Egypt. Then he randomly dumped his girlfriend and cried for a bit. I mean for three days. Then he bought a new house with a perv shed in the basement (I didn't put it there, Sims did.). It has this basement on the same level as the swimming pool, and it has massive windows, so that he can perv on peeps who are swimming. Anyhoo, then... something happened. And now he's a firefighter who spends large amounts of time collecting gnomes and for some reason is incapable of having a relationship. Not because of me. I have a sims error. Oh! And he made friends with some old dude in China, who he then invited round his house, only before he arrived he got a notification saying he'd died. Turns out that doesn't stop foreign Sims! He is now living with him as a gay lover who NEVER STOPS EATING. Visitors aren't allowed in the house, so the random old dude lives in the basement and sleeps in a tent. With Edward. Did I mention Edward works with Bella as a firefighter and she keeps flirting with him? And he keeps setting her house on fire.

There's only one photo of me as a tiger on facebook. This disappoints me greatly. Half the attention is drawn to Luci in the background anyway (she is in a very compromising position with Beth. Which implies Beth is secretly male. Not you Beth who wants my tail. Don't hit me.)

Speaking of tails- not a pun- Does anyone want to make a bid for owning a tiger tail? I'm thinking of selling it for comic relief and all those babies.

I have lots of Latin homework :/ However, I also learnt that in Latin 'bebi' is the imperative plural to drink. It's like saying "Drink!" to a room full of people. So, at Latin parties, before a toast, they would go "Bebi!".

I had a glass of wine today after lunch, which was at half-five btw. My family has no sense of time. Not that I drank before 6. It was ten past when I had my glass. Which clearly makes it a lot better. I downloaded iTunes yesterday to listen to Jessie J and my mum promptly downloaded some free classical shizz. So now I keep listening to 'Do it like a Dude' followed by 'Elgar: Enigma Variations 'Nimrod''. Odd.

There are a few photos of me from a month ago, and I look really distracted in all of them. It reminds me of when my cat hears fireworks. I like shoes. Well, converse. Not proper converse. I'm cheap. Not that sort of cheap. You are bad people. Apart from Ell- wait. I think that Ella thought that too. You're all bad people.

When I was ten, I got given a photo frame that was about 2 inches by 1 inch, but I had no photos that size. So instead, I put a foil quality street wrapper in it. To this day I have a framed orange crisp foil wrapper.

I can't believe it's only two weeks 'til we go to Germany! I really need to speak to Laura more. Or learn German. Or both. I need to rely less on google translate is what I need. I saw a facebook like about what girls say, and what they really mean. It confused me because it was mostly true.

There's this pot of multicoloured paper clips next to me, and I am so tempted to join a load together and then wear them as a necklace. I think I will. Modernist style.

I looked at the time just then. I can gaurantee you that right now my parents are listening to the archers. Ooops, I think Elgar just started playing through my speakers. One moment. Actually it was Swan Lake. I didn't remember Jessie J involving that many violins.

I don't read the neswpaper. Ever. I thought that needed sharing. Now I've shared it. Like sweets. Some people don't share sweets. I don't resent that. I mean, I don't share drinks. Slightly different reasons, but still. The point is valid. Why does everything circle back to an IAA in science? It's creepy. Like when Beth was stroking my arm outside of science. And Emma. Bad children. I love a bit of Queen. Not the queen. That would be very, very disturbing. Queen. I love listening to a bit of Queen. That's better.

Our piano looks sad. No-one has played it in over six months. We lost the rugby. Well, we came second. I wasn't bothered tbh. England probs had a spazz about not owning everyone. I hope they did. The thought make me mini-lol.

Soz that I didn't post yesterday. I found this couple on youtube that spend their entire lives pranking each other. I watched all 82 videos on their playlist. I was there for a long time. By the end I'd forgotten why. Will sponsored me in the end. I don't think it was because of the children (Think of the children!). I think it's because he thought it would be amusing to see me dressed as a tiger. I think he was amused. Most people were. I still don't know what Emily was doing searching babies 40 times on google images (sorry Emily, but it cracks me up. Ella is worse than me!).

I get annoyed by those yes/no question posty things on facebook. I just wanna hit them with a hammer. Like Charlotte. She's not a hammer, but sometimes I want to hit her with one. My therapist says I shouldn't.

I'm lying. My therapist won't see me anymore after 'The incident'. I'm lying again. My therapist just doesn't like me. She won't see me though. That part is true.

"haha. Ok. :)" What kind of a response is ... We won't go there. I'll just rant.

Emma mentioned owls I think. There was an owl on Harry Hill. He shaved it's head. That was both odd and mildly amusing. Possibly also disturbing. Like when I found a contact lense in my sock on monday. That creeped me out a bit. I feel like I should stop, drop and roll more often. In the middle of the street maybe? On a youtube vlog!!! Yeahhhhh. I would walk around doing random stuff and film other peeps reactions.

I have a new pledge. I pledge not to die very soon, as that would take away other people's entertainment. I would not want to do that to them. However, Ella, Amy, Charlotte, Beth. You may all die as soon as you wish. I'd like a days forewarning though. Just so the idea gets firmly planted in my head. I don't like surprises. Unless they're good. I don't know. If you think I would be pleased by your death then you're free to make it a surprise. Like cake. I have no objection to people giving me cake without forewarning.

Thanks for reading. Come back tomorrow to find out what I did. Probably some stopping and dropping, maybe even some rolling. Likely in P.E. And maths. Good old maths. How are you other peeps doing with those quadratic equations somethinging the square?

P.S I couldn't be bothered to youtube something for you this week. But if you haven't already played this game: then you should. Once you have, tell me your reaction, and I'll tell you mine. That is, if you haven't already read about it on facebook. XD

See y'all tomoz ;)

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