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Wednesday 16 March 2011

Bana Nah Nah Nah

Banana rap. That is all I can say. <3 it!!!!!!!!!! XD

I somehow ended up spending my day watching TV. Not what I wanted. I wanted to play the Sims 3!!!!! My little person was about to be free of his obsessive girlfriend, move house, get rich, quit his job and something! This I think, is where I decided he would have eight babies and then die.

I remember doing that on the Sims 2. I had the sims 2 pets, and the only way to get a puppy without breeding it yourself was to adopt it. I wanted to be able to adopt purebred puppies, so I would create families with the sole purpose of breeding a bazillion puppies and then... Well, I'm not really sure what happened next. Likely I locked the people in a room containing only a fridge, an oven and several hundred 20 simoleon armchairs. If so, then I would have them cook something before napping (On the floor, as sims can't nap in chairs). Armchair + Oven = fire. Fire + Sims = No family. No family= Puppies go up for adoption! Puppies up for adoption= I can now get puppies!!!! XD I was a clever, if mildly insane, child.

I love listening to loud music and then clicking in the exact wrong part. You know? Inbetween the beats. So, I still have the right rhythm, but my timing is wrong. It's actually quite fun. Just so you know, that is how you spell rhythm.

We have this keyboard made of jelly stuff, and there is a hole in it. Not a whole, as I have seen this word spelled many a time, as that would be odd without a noun for the adjective. If, however, it were a whole...doughnut, then it would be perfectly normal. Anyway, it's full of gelatin stuff, which is probably incredibly toxic. Oh well, it's fun to pull it out. It looks like weird jelly sugar crystals. I will not eat the highly toxic jelly sugar crystals. I am a good person.

My sister keeps interrupting me which is beyond irritating. I have completed my prefect form. Mostly. I realise that these two things are unrelated. I do not care.

What does Emma's box of interesting things say? I have a feeling someone suggested something vitally important to mention in my blog. I think it was Emily, but all I can remember about that conversation is hoe she is giving 'uno crispono' to me in sponsorship, yet she was unsure of how to spell it. Oh well. Another time. I missed art. Which was utterly pointless as I didn't get home until 4.26 p.m. anyway, a scant fifteen minutes earlier than I would have had I done art. Soz to peeps who thinks I iz using too long words. I will dum it down innit? JK lol! I iz too s'fisticated 4 dat shizz.

So, Emma. Llamas. Well. What can I say? A llama speaks for itself. Once I saw a photo of a llama in a car. Not a cart. Why do Americans have shopping carts? Why not trolleys? I mean, which is worse? Carting something around, or trolleying it? Trolleying sounds more fun. Carting sounds like carton. Cartons are only fun when they have mazes on the side. Also, people who are off their trolley are fun. People who are off their cart are just imbalanced. I don't know if being off your shopping trolley is different from being off your trolley generally. Maybe it's slightly less theraputic and involves an advertising fee?

Right now I'm listening to Queen. Funny story, Emma mentioned the queen in the book of subjects. In fact, I mentioned the queen in the car today. Long story to do with how, when famous people die, the bbc halt all good tv programs. Apparently this is something my sister has experience in. She claims I do too, but if I'm honest, I've always just had a running commentary in my head for these TV programs, so what the people are doing is less interesting. In fact, the most interesting programs are the news and old ladies with cats. The news can involve a picture of a burning train and then the news man says 'Man in tears when wife deliberately sabotages favourite train set.'. Old ladies with cats are best though. "Well, as my Jeoffrey would've said 'You've never had enough alcohol if you can still find your ears.' I don't understand it, but that's life Bobbins." cat: " Hmmmm, yes.... Can we take over the world now? Only my backs getting itchy."

So yeah. It's a little bit chilly. I keep saying that, mostly because it fits the tune of 'Your Song' by Elton John/ Elle Goulding perfectly. I'll tell you the first few lines:

                               It's a little bit chilly, when you go outsiiiiiiide.
                                I think it's time that, I made some pieeeeee.
                               If you think I'm wrong then, melt my igloo digs,
                                 But baby it's cold now and you're a prick.

So, that was verse one. I cba to do much more. I'll finish with this; What is the point of jogging? Why would you do that? Is it not more sensible to do some sort of less humiliating indoor jog type thing? When I see in the newspaper that David Camerons wife jogs, I think 'David Cameron looks funny.', but after that, I think that his wife is silly for jogging. Why doesn't she go on an inside joggy thingy? You know, a running machine. It's a) Safe from paparazzi b) Safe from Lady Gaga c) Only mildly humiliating (Not at all if you have you're own) and d) Warm and therefore unlikely to lead to random performances of 'It's a little bit chilly.'

Fin! I shall speak to ye tomorrow, when I will likely be a tiger as you are all too lazy to read this until thursday. Oh, and I may not post on thurs as I have Latin and don't get back until 6ish.

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