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Monday 14 March 2011

Mushrooms and All Their Glory

Firstly, I would like to mention how, when I turned my computer on and opened internet explorer, it asked me: Would I like to restore my previous browsing session?
Now, this question took some thought for me to answer- clearly there was no previous browsing session, as the computer was off. After a few moments of deliberation I decided that I should have some excitement in my life, and so I pressed 'restore last session'.

How disappointed was I when the only thing that came up was Google?

Anyway, now that's over. Next interesting thing that happened. When I went to type my email address to log in to facebook, I misspelled msn. It was 'my email address' It made me lol. Well, it did in my head.

Speaking of heads, well... no, we'll get to that later. Right now I feel like I have to get onto the subject of mushrooms. I'm sure that I promised Beth I'd mention something, but whatever it was had flown straight out of my head (And likely into Josie's. Beth's ideas are often angry, and all angry things are sucked into Josie like she's a vacuum.). So, in English today Beth suggested to me that I 'be a mushroom' for my poem/story. Unfortunately, I misinterpreted this- instead I quickly joined my arms together above my head and squatted. I was being a mushroom. That was one of my favourite moments of the day. I will give Beth the credit. Not that she noticed. In fact Beth, I quite resent the fact that you completely blanked my(rather good) mushroom impression. I have decided that I am no longer talking to you.

So that was mushrooms. Next, sponsorship!!! To everyone who has sponsored me- thankyou! I have £62.11 so far, that's plenty for me...
I'm lying! The children in Africa need you! If you have sponsored me, I'd be grateful if you brought the money in tomorrow or the day after- I am now paranoid that I will forget to ask people for it and be like 'I got £60!' and then the red nose day person will be like 'Well give it to me.' and I'll be like '...Here's five pence?'.

Anyhoo. I had a mahoosive headache when I got home, 'cause I'm stoopid and forgot to have a drink all day. In the end though, I had a nap and now I think I'll nap a lot more often. You should try it. Napping is the new fun! It was only a ten minute nap, so as naps go it was a bit of a fail, but it was still a nap.

My English story is coming along nicely. I had a spazz about whether or not the sun wanes (or waxes.). Turns out it's only the moon that cares about personal hygeine. And when I asked Ella if the sun moved she looked at me weird.

I'll be right back inanimate computer/ readers who will have no wait anyway. I must quickly refer to the Emma Flint box of ideas. One secondo. So, Emma suggested owls, possums, gnomes and llamas. I'm gonna go with gnomes.

Firstly, I've always liked the way gnomes is spelt with a g. I'm not saying that as a kid I called them 'Ge-nomes'(I would've had I known about the world of gnomes- yes I do realise the similarity between the words 'known' and 'gnome'. I like it.). In fact, I call them 'Ge-nomes' far more often these days. It's a fun word to say. Say it. If you said it, you will now be repeating the word 'ge-nomes' to yourself and laughing. If you didn't then it's your loss, and you're doing it now anyway, just incase it amuses you. It probably didn't. That's what you get for being a 'ge-nome' hater. Yes, I did just say 'ge-nome' outloud and laugh. Yes, I find that acceptable.

Gnomeo and Juliet. Anyone watch that? I didn't. I wanted to. But only in that sort of 'I kinda think I might enjoy that, but I ceebs to do anything about it' way. I haven't listened to much music today, due to the headache, so no news on that front...Sorry Emma, back to gnomes.
One time, I was on the Sims 3, and for some reason, I was fighting gnomes. Now, this could've been a dream, but I have a strong feeling that this really happened. Evil gnomes. And it was my sims job to rid people's houses of these evil gnomes? Idk :S In any case, ridding imaginary people's imaginary houses of imaginary gnomes is quite fun. I recommend it.

The gnomes were glowy. Red glowy. Like the colour food colouring we used for out Biology IAA.

Ah, IAAs. Them again. The only thing I have to say about this one, is that E looked like blood and tasted like beetle. That's it. Oh, and I think there was something amusing that Will said near the end, but I wasn't listening enough to get it.

I guess I should be nearly finished with this, but I know that I'm just gonna go have a nap when I'm finished and I don't feel that I'm boring enough for that to be my life. How does that sound? 'Hello, I'm bloggy nap girl.'. Not the best introduction.

Remember as a kid, when a teacher told you to write a page, you would just write in font size 24? I miss that. I do! I'll admit this now, but if you mock me I'll never blog again. Sometimes, when I am doing homework, and we're supposed to do 2 sides, I write a paragraph, then change it to 24 and lol at how much work I've done in a split second. 'Course then I have to change it back 'cause only 2 words fit on a line. That makes me sad. XD

It's gone eight o'clock and I guess I'm leaving, but firstly) Well done for reading. I like this also. Secondly) I forgot, but I'm sure it wasn't too good. Thirdly) If you can give me ideas for what to write about - Do it!!!!!! I need these, despite my natural resourcefulness. I think I spelled that wrong. I seriously am paranoid about my spelling. This thing should really get spellcheck. I mean, even I know that 'thrtr' isn't a word, yet using this system it would be easy for me to accidently write it.

Blaaargh! Aliens are cool. I am not reading any books at the moment, as I have no money to buy new ones. Unless the dictionary counts as a book? I'm lying again. I don't read the dictionary. My dad called my sister a psychopathic liar today. I think he meant pathological, but it still made me lol.

Oh yeah, a piece of advice- watch Britain's next hairdresser...Or whatever it's called. I'm going to. That's why when I go back to sleep in 5 mins it is a nap, not a sleep. I am getting back up to watch hairdressing! Tbh, the only reason I'm tired is that I had to get up at quarter to seven this morning. Josie's fault again. Funny how everything negative circles back to her, isn't it? I'm joking. Mostly.

Have a nice evening, watch out for giant people dressed as mosquitoes. Or giant mosquitoes dressed as people. Or David McTennant.(It's not my fault he can't decide his name.) Feel free to tell me about your favourite fail. I'll blog it, but I'll laugh too. Bye bye :)

P.S. If you have some free time, and you haven't already, watch this:


  1. Immie, I'm not going to apologise for saying your mushroom impression was was. I did not ask you to do one, and I did notice. I laughed and said why. Actually I wailed "WHY?" very loudly....
    But yes, excellent blog post. Um,how are my ideas always angry?

  2. Sozzard. Your ideas are always angry, due to your general lethargic angry ways. Did you watch the kitty cat dance? Me likeded it.
