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Thursday 10 March 2011

Yesterday + thoughts

random So, I'm back (I know, yay!)

When I first started typing this, the font it was in was New Times Roman. Is it me, or is this font actually painful to look at? I have had a deep hatred for it since childhood and hugely prefer Arial. Or anything really.
Has anyone heard Jessie J 'Mamma knows best'? For any older people reading this blog, or just fans of older music, I can understand if you hate her for the modern style she uses, but I love her! Unusual for me, as I generally listen to a wide range of music, from Gaga to John Lennon. The reason I like Jessie J is because she is actually better live than recorded! Such a rarity these days that I can't help but be blown away by her performance skills. Anyway, I'm getting too formal.
Any people who are actually reading this, you may or may not know me. To Kathleen, who I will inevitably force to read this, thanks. I don't mean that. Well, I do. You know what I mean. The point is, well done for being able to read, Kathleen. I hope my grammar is up to scratch. Has Mr.Henton shown you the presentation about the dining halls yet? I noticed that he used 'maybe' instead of the two seperate words 'may' and 'be'- which changed the meaning of his sentence altogether and was rather embarrassing for me.
For today (or rather, yesterday), I was thinking about rambling over pens. You see, I got a free pen today. This, I thought, was a very good thing. I mean, who doesn't love a free pen? (Feel free to argue if you are reading this and happen to object violently to free pens) When I say I got a free pen, I don't mean that I have taken the little blue pen from argos. I haven't. Yet. I actually was given a pen today. My pen ran out; I needed to borrow a pen; I borrowed a pen; I asked to continue borrowing said pen; pen was gifted to me. All in all, I found it a very good day.

I'm going to be honest, this blog has been more rambly, less interesting (By the way, is that how you spell rambly? Is rambly a word?). Not that I care. I am posting to the empty world of cyberspace where millions of people will purposefully bypass reading this.

In the interest of staying interesting, I will now talk about something else entirely. Oh, and if by, say... wednesday, someone has commented with a subject for me to ramble about, I shall happily ramble about it. Specifically. That didn't make sense, did it? If you want to dictate what I ramble about next, just comment saying 'please ramble about ... next post'. E.g. Please ramble about how your cousins favourite colour annoys you next post, or please ramble about how it shouldn't be legal for people to create new types of cloud next post.

Sighing. Is it just me that sighs accidently? I like to think of it as breathing loudly when I do it, but I always think back and realise why everyone thought I was being rude. It causes large numbers of 'awkward turtle' moments. I'm walking along just chatting to a friend when 'Long winded sigh...' and then they get offended because they think I find them boring, or wasn't listening. If I'm honest, a lot of the time I'm not listening...

I zone out a lot. In the middle of a lecture I snap back to myself and think 'Oh no! I stopped listening!'. I have started to do this so often that I say it out loud. Not good, I tell you.

I think I'm going to stop writing now- not because I don't have more ramble in me, just that it's getting more boring, I'm getting less interested and the post is becoming quite long. Hopefully next time I will be slightly funnier. Or more awake. Or crazier. I like crazy. In my old blog I rambled about people reactions if a loon asked them about the colour of the sky. Maybe I should do that?

From your loyal (for now) postee. XD

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