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Sunday 6 March 2011


ROOM 101

Kathleen: Do you spend your time being endlessly frustrated by annoying titbits? This is your chance to persuade us that they must be banished to the infamous…
-Jaws/Evil Music-
Room 101!!!!!

K: Today our guest arguing over there own pet hates is Immie Beswick…
‘Can’t touch this’ plays.
Immie enters.
K: Welcome, I hope you’re ready to make your case ;)
I: It was a difficult decision- there are so many annoying things to choose from!
K: So, what is the first item you chose to banish to room 101?
I: Well, the first thing I thought had to be sent into to room 101 is Justin Bieber!
-insert round of incredibly enthusiastic applause-
I: Over the past few years ‘Bieber fever’ has been spread around America. Children hail this so-called musician and spend their time drooling over him. His music blares loudly at us through the speakers of public places. The high-pitched whine of his voice confusing us as we wonder who it is singing the song ‘Is it a boy or a girl? I’m so confused!’
K: But think of all the entertainment he brings us!  How many times has everyone here watched the video of someone throwing a plastic bottle at his head?
I: I’ll have to admit that he can be entertaining, but once you’ve stopped laughing at his ignorance, you start to wonder… How can it be possible for someone who doesn’t know what Germans are possibly be a millionaire? I mean I can quote the TV show he was on: ‘So a fan would like to know, is your last name German?’ ‘What?’ ‘Is your last name German?’ ‘German? What’s German? We don’t have this word in America.’. Because of this person millions of children in America likely believe that Germans are imaginary.
K:(Laughs) I wonder what they call them in America then? (Immie laughs) However, some of Justin Bieber’s songs have made it to number one in the charts- and stayed there for several weeks. Surely it can’t be that bad if people are buying it?
I: The only people buying Justin Bieber’s songs are people who have mistaken him for a talented young woman, and under 10-year olds. Even reading the complaints or praise of his fans is painful as they misspell the simplest of words. I once saw a comment that said “Wy do you all hat him hes amassing! And hes so kool, yor just chelos”.
K: Okay, but what about his music is actually annoying? These kids are finding entertainment from him, if we put him in room 101 we’ll take that away from them! Not to mention the fact that people who mistook him for a talented young woman will be bitterly disappointed.

Note From Immie: I got bored here. Feel free to continue yourself. I think you need more lines, but I couldn’t bring myself to do much Bieber defending.

Tada! So, even without email I can contact you and do the English I need to. Btw there is no way this will last five minutes. Have fun working ;)

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, this was actually posted at about 6.45. There is no way I'll be online at 10 to 11. I'll be at the pub ;)
